News & Articles

October 18, 2022

How Are Leather Sandals Made?

Footwear is becoming more and more popular all over the world. Leather sandals are some of the market’s most popular types of footwear. They are comfortable and stylish and protect your feet. To make high-quality leather sandals, you need to know how they are made.  In this blog post, we will discuss the process of making leather sandals. So, if […]
October 6, 2022

Common Types of Shoes

There are so many different types of shoes on the market these days that it’s hard to track them all. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the most common shoe types. Whether you’re a shoe company looking to stay up-to-date on current trends or an individual just looking for some new ideas, we’ve got you covered! So […]
October 6, 2022

Common Shoe Construction Methods

There are a few common methods that shoe companies use to construct shoes. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the different techniques can help you better understand how your shoes are made and why they wear out over time. Check out some of the most common methods below. Popular Shoe Construction Methods Cemented Construction Construction is often considered […]
October 6, 2022

Benefits and Drawbacks of Wearing Scandals

Unless you live under a rock, chances are you’ve been in at least one situation where sandals were the footwear of choice. While they may seem like casual summer shoes, there are benefits and drawbacks to wearing sandals all year round. Here’s what you need to know. Benefits Of Wearing Sandals: Summertime is great for many reasons: pools, beaches, BBQs, […]
March 29, 2022

Perché le scarpe da trekking sono così popolari?

Le scarpe da trekking del calzaturificio Alimao sono particolarmente apprezzate per la loro durata. Alimao Shoes Manufacturer è uno dei migliori produttori di scarpe da trekking in Cina. Ci sono validi motivi per questo, perché in natura dovete poter contare completamente sulle vostre scarpe. Per le uscite estive, ci sono sandali eleganti con suole per i piedi. Le scarpe da […]
March 29, 2022

Pourquoi les chaussures de randonnée sont-elles si populaires ?

Les chaussures de randonnée de l’usine de chaussures Alimao sont particulièrement appréciées en raison de leur durabilité. Alimao Shoes Manufacturer est l’un des meilleurs fabricants de chaussures de randonnée en Chine. Il y a des raisons valables à cela, car vous devez pouvoir vous fier entièrement à vos chaussures dans la nature. Pour les sorties d’été, il existe des sandales […]
March 29, 2022

Почему походная обувь так популярна?

Походная обувь обувной фабрики Alimao пользуется особой популярностью благодаря своей прочности. Производитель обуви Alimao является одним из лучших производителей походной обуви в Китае. На это есть веские причины, поскольку в дикой природе вы должны иметь возможность полностью полагаться на свою обувь. Для летних прогулок предлагаются элегантные сандалии с протекторной подошвой. Кроссовки больше не предназначены только для ношения в лесу; они […]
March 29, 2022

¿Por qué son tan populares las zapatillas de senderismo?

Los zapatos de senderismo de la fábrica de calzado Alimao son especialmente populares por su durabilidad. Alimao Shoes Manufacturer es uno de los mejores fabricantes de zapatos de senderismo en China. Hay razones válidas para ello, ya que debes ser capaz de confiar completamente en tus zapatos en la naturaleza. Para las salidas veraniegas, hay elegantes sandalias con suela para […]
March 29, 2022

Porque é que os sapatos de caminhada são tão populares?

Os sapatos de passeio da fábrica de sapatos Alimao são particularmente populares devido à sua durabilidade. Alimao Shoes Manufacturer é um dos melhores fabricantes de sapatos de caminhadas na China. Há razões válidas para isto, pois deve poder confiar completamente nos seus sapatos na natureza. Para passeios de Verão, há elegantes sandálias com sola de pé. Os ténis já não […]
March 29, 2022

Waarom zijn wandelschoenen zo populair?

De wandelschoenen van de schoenenfabriek Alimao zijn bijzonder populair omwille van hun duurzaamheid. Alimao Schoenen Fabrikant is een van de beste wandelschoenen fabrikanten in China. Daar zijn goede redenen voor, want je moet in de vrije natuur volledig op je schoenen kunnen vertrouwen. Voor zomerse uitstapjes zijn er elegante sandalen met profielzolen. Sneakers zijn niet langer alleen bedoeld om in […]